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Disadvantage of the technology in college


                   List of disadvantages of                                     technology in education

1. The presence of technology can distract students.

When children play video games, they can react with addictive behaviors. Their goal is the entertainment they receive more than anything else. If the educational environment uses reward-based games to promote learning, the child may be more concerned with what he receives through the software or application than with what he learns.

Although the correct answers can be an indication of knowledge, there may not be as much information retention as expected. Teachers must establish and apply healthy boundaries when using technology in the classroom to ensure that healthy results are possible.

2. Technology can facilitate cheating.

Do you remember the TV shows and movies where kids invade a teacher's classroom, steal the test answer key and write everything on their dolls, shoes or piece of paper? Now, a student can send this information to himself. They can send this data to anyone with a phone. E-mail can also transmit this information. There must also be strict rules on the use of technology during quizzes or tests, when an accurate measure of students' knowledge is needed to assess their overall progress.

3. The use of technology can cause some students to disconnect from the classroom.

Interacting online with other people is a different experience than when you collaborate on the Internet with someone. Standing behind a screen offers a layer of anonymity that you don't get in a face-to-face conversation. Learning to work with each other using technology is an essential skill, but it cannot be the other option that teachers introduce into their classroom. We need to encourage social interactions that accurately communicate thoughts, feelings, or emotions so that when a child is not connected, he can have a better life for himself.

4. Some students may not know the difference between trusted and untrusted resources.

Today there is a lot of information on the Internet that is false or exaggerated in some way, but is disguised as real. According to a study published by New York Magazine, less than 60% of current web traffic consists of human searches or content interactions. Every year, up to half of YouTube traffic is made up of bots impersonating people. Not only is the content sometimes fake, but users may also not be real. Teachers should show students how to access real information, show them how to check its validity, and then encourage them to use it properly.

5. Technology is a resource that not all families can afford.

Whether technology is in the classroom or at home, there is the issue of accessibility to worry about in today's world. Some families cannot buy computers for their children to do their homework. There are school districts that do not have enough money to pay their salaries each year, let alone add new components of technology for learning.

When we insist on having technology in the classroom, we put those at the bottom of the pay scale at a disadvantage. Students with better access can learn more and access classes more often, which means that they have additional exposure to information that can increase their chances of success.

6. Some technologies can replace the teacher in some classrooms.

Interactive learning classes are so effective today that the software or application can become the teacher, rather than having someone present to help a student. One of the best examples of this potential disadvantage is the ABC mouse, which provides clear instructions for students from 3 years old, so they can start learning when they are ready.

Instead of playing a practical role, technology makes the teacher more of an observer. New technologies automate the learning process while adapting to the new needs of students.

7. There are privacy issues to consider with technology in the classroom.

More than 15 million people are victims of identity theft each year. It is a criminal empire that costs the economy more than $ 16 billion a year. Since 2011, there have been more than $ 100 billion in losses due to this problem. One of the reasons why it is becoming more common is that more and more people have better access to technology today.

When we take technology into the classroom, we put our children's identities at risk every day. Even when applications, computers, mobile devices and operating systems have advanced privacy filters that reduce the threat of identity loss, there is no way to guarantee that all risks are eliminated, unless the computer is never brought online. . If we take this step, we end up losing many of the benefits of having technology in the classroom.

8.Children often lose track of time when using technology in the classroom.

Although children can adapt to changing environments without thinking too much, their idea of ​​normality is often defined by what they experience in the classroom. Teachers and schools have as much, if not more, time with children than their parents throughout the day, which means that the classroom becomes an influential part of each student's life. Encouraging the use of technology can help create more learning opportunities, but it can also lead to a more sedentary lifestyle.

When children sit for a long time during the day, they face the same health problems as adults when they don't get enough exercise. There may be obesity, hyperactivity, muscle fatigue, sleep problems and metabolism problems caused by sitting too long.

     That is why any school that brings technology to the classroom should also encourage at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity whenever possible.....

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